Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Food Science and Technology


Graduates of the department`s internationally recognized programmes are well prepared to enter Food industries, Government ministries, Parastatals, Non-governmental organizations and research institutions in the various fields involved in food processing and human nutrition, research and development, as well as planning and implementation of projects.

The department collaborates with several institutions such as the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich and the United Nations University, Tokyo.  Close ties are also maintained with the Swiss Development Co-operation (SDC) and German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), and locally with the Kenya Institute of Food Science and Technology (KIFST), which provides linkage between the department and local food industries.

The department is located in Upper Kabete Campus of the University of Nairobi, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture.

  1. The degree programme shall consist of course work, examinations and thesis. The course work shall be taken in the first year of study, within a duration of 1 year.

  2. The common regulations governing Doctor of Philosophy Degrees in the University of Nairobi shall apply. Accordingly the following rules will apply.
    • The research proposal shall be developed during the first year of study. However, the candidate shall be required to pass coursework before embarking on field research.
    • Subject to the approval of senate, the faculty may require the candidate to attend such a course or courses as may be considered appropriate.
  3. The programme shall take a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5 years.

  4. Students shall be required to take seven core courses and at least five elective courses to make a total of twelve courses.

  • Holders of a Master of Science degree in agricultural related disciplines, biological sciences, environmental sciences or in natural resource management or an equivalent qualification from an institution recognized by senate.

  • Holders of Masters degree in relevant social sciences recommended by the faculty board and approved by senate.

 Food Science & Technology

   Year I    Year 2    Year 3   Total 
TUITION         432,000.00      432,000.00     432,000.00       1,296,000.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)             7,000.00          7,000.00          7,000.00             21,000.00
THESIS EXAMINATION                          -                         -         50,000.00             50,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)             4,500.00          4,500.00          4,500.00             13,500.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)             1,000.00          1,000.00          1,000.00               3,000.00
CAUTION - (ONCE)             5,000.00                       -                         -                 5,000.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)             6,500.00          6,500.00          6,500.00             19,500.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)             2,000.00          2,000.00          2,000.00               6,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)             5,000.00          5,000.00          5,000.00             15,000.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)             1,000.00          1,000.00          1,000.00               3,000.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                          -                         -                         -                              -  
Grand Totals 464,000.00 459,000.00 509,000.00 1,432,000.00

Common regulations for the Doctor of Philosophy in all faculties shall be applicable.