Latest News & Announcements

International training workshop on Increasing the Development Impact of Agricultural Research in Africa

The Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection, in collaboration with the University of Sydney, will conduct a five-week training course on Increasing the Development Impact of Agricultural Research in Africa The training will take place at the Southern Sun Mayfair Hotel, Nairobi.

Students attend the Emerging Scientist’s Training and Workshop 2019

Two MSc. Students in Range Management, Edwin Maingi and Sylvia Muchiri, both from the department of Land Resource Management and Technology (LARMAT), were among students who attended a 10 day emerging scientist’s workshop in Oloisukut conservancy, Narok County.


The School of Dental Sciences held its Hippocratic Oath ceremony for the graduates of class 2017 on Friday 17th November 2017 at the School of Dental Sciences.

The oath was administered by Dr. Regina J. Mutave – Dean School of Dental Sciences, to the (20) Bachelor of Dental Surgery students who qualified for the award of Degree in Bachelor of Dental Surgery by the University of Nairobi.

Characterization of Kenyan Honeys Based on Their Physicochemical Properties, Botanical and Geographical Origin 

Properties and composition of honey are essential in providing information regarding their quality as well as in their differentiation based on production region characteristics, for example, floral sources. This research presents physicochemical properties and floral sources (botanical origin) of 21 honey samples obtained from arid and semiarid areas of Kenya, specifically, West Pokot, Baringo, and Kitui Counties.

Enhancing soil organic carbon, particulate organic carbon and microbial biomass in semi-arid rangeland using pasture enclosures

Background Rehabilitation of degraded rangelands through the establishment of enclosures (fencing grazing lands) is believed to improve soil quality and livelihoods, and enhance the sustainability of rangelands. Grazing dominated enclosure (GDE) and contractual grazing enclosure (CGE) are the common enclosure management systems in West Pokot County, Kenya.

Pasture enclosures increase soil carbon dioxide flux rate in Semiarid Rangeland

Background Pasture enclosures play an important role in rehabilitating the degraded soils and vegetation, and may also influence the emission of key greenhouse gasses (GHGs) from the soil. However, no study in East Africa and in Kenya has conducted direct measurements of GHG fluxes following the restoration of degraded communal grazing lands through the establishment of pasture enclosures.

Plant Extracts And Antagonistic Fungi As Alternatives To Synthetic Pesticides In Management Of Fungal Diseases Of Tomato

Incorporation of biological pesticides in integrated pest management has lately been considered effective in production of safe food for human consumption, aesthetically valuable for the prime markets and increase in crop yields. Despite their efficacy, synthetic pesticides are generally expensive, not easily degradable and leave harmful residues on food products.